Friday 24 June 2011

Slacking (0 and 800)

Yesterday, I just sat about and wasted a whole day. I did cook up a load of Fearnley-Whittingstall's chorizo and Thai green curry sauce for the freezer, and chased the cats away from the bird feeders one million times before I lured the little grey baby bird assassin into the kitchen with dog biscuits (yes, she's that stupid) and shut the door. We've already loaded her collar with bells, it sounds like Christmas here when she scratches. It's not as if I used the spare time sensibly by going to bed early or doing my new back exercises either, I just tapped away at plants vs. zombies until 1a.m. and then didn't sleep.

So, today I resolved to work, work, work. The cat was secured (with more dog biscuits) and I sat down determined to plough on with the story. I managed 800 words before I ran out of steam, but my heart wasn't in it.

Fortunately, I'm going to be teaching creative writing workshops through the local library, so I have spent a very productive couple of hours writing a tri-fold leaflet all about it. So I don't feel quite so lazy today. The cleaning crew are down in Winchester, blitzing the rental house and packing up the big van. I shall look forward to having them back tomorrow at some point.


  1. My heart hasn't been in mine for 2 days. I'm blocked....

  2. It's difficult, isn't it, to switch creativity on when you need to!


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