Friday, 7 May 2010

Lifewriting should come with a health warning

OK, so I wrote this piece of lifewriting, and I consulted my daughter whom it mostly concerned. Then I let no. 1 son, who is my more strict critic, read it and he broke down and cried - for a long time. I'd discussed Steve's death with my daughter for ever, because she was 4 years old and full of questions, I forgot I hadn't really done the same with him.

So, I started a new piece and it segued into fiction. When I was little, I got to paint a shed with old pots before it was scrapped so I could play in it with my sister for a couple of weeks. I also heard about a scandalous story going on over our heads, and though it would be nice to combine the two, see the exciting events unfolding from a child's perspective. Here is my VERY first draft work - ready for a serious edit.

Had to remove it in case I plagiarised myself!

Meanwhile, my next 'Writing Magazine' entry is progressing nicely. It's about living on a narrowboat which my parents do, and living on a houseboat which several friends do, so it's full of nautical details. I'm trying to enter something every month but its been a challenge with the coursework and assignments etc. as well as novels. I've got a few weeks to unwind so I'll get on with that.

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