Monday, 10 May 2010

The end of the course is nigh

My final TMA is in and awaiting marking from Friday onwards. My tutor is so brilliant she usually turns them round in days, and with so much feedback. She gives just as much help even if you've got in the 90's, she just pushes a little harder, and she was so helpful to one of the students who did quite badly, she suggested asking for it to be re-marked by another tutor in case she's been too hard. Very fair. I can only hope I get such a good tutor next year - my husband's tutor is slow to mark and really unhelpful with the TMA's. You never knows what she wants! I sent in a short story, with commentary, as if it were for Riptide magazine. I will put it in to a magazine, see what happens.

The ECA is nearly done too, a short story and a piece of life writing. The commentaries don't work together, I think I'll do something that brings in the whole course and what I have learned over the last eight months. Meanwhile, my last university place is being debated by Winchester and all my fingers and toes are crossed. The sheer convenience of walking to it or going on the bus and being able to go to the library, would be better for me. Plus, I think it will be a better course for teaching creative writing in the long run, which I would like to do. An added bonus would be that hopefully, fellow students would be close to Winchester so we could meet up. Still, I love the idea of the Portsmouth course too.

I've also signed up to A363 because it's the only time you can do it for the diploma. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into lots of creative work for that, some of which might be useful for either course. I haven't submitted the same work to two different courses yet, although I did rewrite the piece I used for TMA05 from a magazine entry, so hopefully I should have plenty of starting points for work for the MA. I find that I'm full of ideas until an assignment is looming or someone puts me on the spot.

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