New distractions and hardware problems (700)
I did write 700 words. I also have 4000 words of rewritten and tarted up beginning. I also made choc chip muffins! This was very satisfying but very very fattening. I also sorted out the airing cupboard and finally threw out all of my predecessor's duvet covers and throws. I loved Maya as a friend, but we still have a lot of her stuff. So I am getting rid of most of the stuff we had before and can use the stuff we have bought as a couple. Since my future son-in-law is working his socks off in my garden, I have promised white choc and lemon muffins on Friday, just to keep him motivated... not to mention that my husband will be back with many of my books.
I do have a better feeling for the beginning of the book now, and am bringing in sections of the old book. I have a feeling that there will be a big edit, and and the old stuff, which got me started, will go. Bookshelves beckon for tomorrow, that should take up the whole morning.
Meanwhile, I can't make my new printer work, both mouses (mice? mices?) have packed up so I've pinched my husband's barely functioning one. It's way better than a typewriter but it's frustrating (and another distraction) when the computer doesn't work smoothly. Not to mention not being able to answer comments on the blog - I don't know why, but I know other bloggers have the same problem.
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