Friday, 11 May 2012

He FINALLY read my book!

It has been a source of some sadness that my bear doesn't read fiction, though he loves biographies and film so gets excited about story. But, although I talked the plot through with him, on every car journey for a year, he hasn't read the actual words. Then I went to Lulu and printed off a copy of my own book, mocked up to look like a novel. So he sat down and started reading last evening.
And read, and read...we went to bed but he was still reading...until 1.30 in the morning. He finished it this evening, 24 hours from cover to cover, a new record for dyslexic bears. He liked it. I know him. He's rubbish at faking it (don't ask how I know this). I'm ridiculously pleased, as if the main person I wanted to write for was him, which makes no sense at all since he doesn't read novels anyway. I told him to pick up words and punctuation he didn't like/clunky sentences etc. and I gave the other copy to the kids with the same intructions, so hopefully we will find some of the little edits that need doing. But I am pleased. Oh, and the sun came out. I'm not sure if the two are related...


  1. Sure they're related. Somehow, when ones feeling bright, the day just looks better! When I'm in a really good mood or I'm really happy about something, even rain can be lovely!
    M. x

    1. Well, now it's still sunny and he's still talking about the book, so maybe!

  2. How lovely.

    The husband has always struggled to read me, (although that's true of anyone he knows), but he is getting better. He now reads my blog and almost all of my short fiction. Maybe one day he'll tackle one of the novels.

    1. I think he was worried that he wouldn't like it, and would have to lie to me (and he can't convincingly lie to me). It is nice to share the novel, it was a bonus that he likes it, I did explain to him that he didn't have to!


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