TMA05 came back with a good mark - in fact all my marks have been within 10% and the average puts me in the distinction range. However, the ECA is harder and I think is marked more critically, so I have to review and review my pieces carefully. I have a piece of lifewriting but I'm not happy with it - it seems too emotional to me, and needs less 'story' and more writing. I've got a small scene in the middle I can cut out completely, to give me a bit of room for some settings and descriptions. Having got this far I want the distinction if I can get it. I am, however, very happy with the short story but the last TMA came back with one main complaint - no real 'hook' at the beginning. So I just need to make sure there's enough to draw in the reader. Back to my notes.
I'm feeling refreshed after some time off to make a quilt - I'll finish the top today - then I can get back to writing. The next book does beckon, it's some weeks now since I did any 'coursework' and I'm missing it. I now have to take the quotes down from my own work that I will send off in the ECA so I don't get caught 'plagiarising' my own work. I will miss A215, and I'm looking forward to A363.
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